We had one of our most pleasant walks on Groundhog Day. We found 15 of the 16 posts where we plant milkweed seeds and scattered lots more seeds. We also saws lots of rabbit tracks, some lovely songbirds in the trees, and checked out bird houses.
The cold had eased off, and soon as we started walking were were all comfortable and warm.
Nothing like a good, not rushed walk, with nice people in the out of doors.
Although we have been distracted from our normal monthly nature walks by the unfortunate developments at the Northeastern Campus, we are committed to lots of (roughly) monthly nature walks.
On Saturday, March 24th (postponed due to too much snow!), we will place 8 birdhouses at Central Field. We will put two at each location, which allows aggressive birds to take one, leaving one for bluebirds. See the graphic below for where we are planning to place them.
This project is being done in partnership with Wild Birds Unlimited of Woburn and supported by a grant from Burlington Wegmans.
We are also asking for voluntary donations to cover the total costs.
Come along, help out, learn about bluebirds, meet others interested in them.
The program will run from 10am to noon, and will go ahead unless there is heavy rain. Rain date is Sunday, March 18. Meet at the parking lot at roughly 26 Blanchard Road.
Ticks are not likely this early, but wear DEET if concerned.
The bluebird image above is “borrowed” from Wikipedia’s bluebird article.
On Saturday, February 3rd the Walnut Hill Trackers will be back to guide us on another walk. Even when there has been no snow at all, Nick Wisniewski has found and taught us wonderful animal signs in the form of tracks in mud, chewed bark, and scat. But if we are lucky and have fresh snow, it will be even more fun.
You can learn about their wide range of tracking programs at their website.
Park at the soccer field lot at roughly 26 Blanchard Road. If there is too much snow to get into the lot, park across the street and cross Blanchard Road – carefully. Dress for the weather, whatever it turns out to be. Assume it will be WET!
We go ahead in all conditions except heavy rain. We don’t expect ticks in February unless it it one of those 45 degree days and someone gets down into the leaf litter to look at something.