On July 12th of 2021, The Select Board of Burlington honored The Friends of Mary Cummings Park with a plaque and acknowledgement of the critical role the organization has played in saving Mary Cummings Park. They mentioned our work clearing and improving trails, and advocating for the park in many ways.
The current board members and some of the founders were there to accept the recognition. Founder Cath Moore is shown holding the citation in the photo.
During the event we acknowledged many people who played key roles in saving the park, which is now managed by The Trustees (of Reservations) and generally considered to be out of danger of development.
Here are some additional people we want to acknowledge:
Sally Ryken, Woburn activist who first told us about Northeastern University trying to sell what later was called Whispering Hill Woods to Archstone and later set up our first webpage.
Fel Medeiros, Woburn activist who referred us to WREN regarding saving Whispering Hill Woods from development.
WREN Woburn Residents Environmental Network helped get the word out for the first meeting regarding the Park held at Northeastern University cafeteria.
Rod Flynn of WREN constant and vocal supporter to public officials and others.
Betty Wright, plant specialist & devotee of Mary Cummings Part and Whispering Hill Woods.
Laurel Francoeur, 2008 wrote RE: Breach of Charitable Trust by City of Boston.
Senators Ken Donovan and Cindy Friedman for their critical work in getting Boston to stop their attempts to sell the park, and their work with The Trustees.
State Representative Ken Gordon, who helped turn back a city council effort to sell the land.
Reporter Thomas C. Palmer Jr., August 18, 2005 The Boston Globe, “City may tap ‘30’s gift to aid Greenway.” – the article that started FoMCP
Reporter Alexander Reid, Boston Globe, Sept 15, 2005, followup article on sale
Reporter Chris Warren, article in Wicked Local-2014 Sep 17, 2014.
Susan Labandibar, Climate Action Coalition: In Defense of Mary Cummings Park 2, May 2014
Paul Raymond, Burlington Planning Board Member and early supporter
Phil Gallagher, who helped us get the facts about the history, the legal issues and gave much guidance and support.
Don Roberts, former Recreation and Parks Commissioner of Burlington, for his help and support
Dave Cummings, early supporter and board member, trail maker, who got our kiosks built by Shawsheen Valley Technical School
Friends of Mary Cummings Park Acknolwedgements
Ernie Zabolotny for his support and advice
Andrea Tracey for her work and support early on
Here are current and former Board members who contributed in major ways to the preservation of Mary Cummings Park and Whispering Hill Woods
Friends of Mary Cummings Park Acknolwedgements
President Steve O’Leary, presided over The Friends through a decade of difficult times and under whose period of leadership The Trustees management came to be.
Founding Member Steven Keleti, who worked tirelessly to preserve the park with legal wisdom
Founding Member Cathy Moore, who delved deep into Boston’s public records to reveal critical historical and financial records
Jonathan Sachs, webmaster, photographer, trail sign maker
Ed Loturco, who used his experience with state politicians to keep The Trustees management
process moving along
Dave Webb, Town Meeting and Land Use Committee member, who has worked long hours to
clear up ownership of important parcels of land
Jane Morse, new Board member from the critical park abutter, Quail Run in Woburn
Betsey Hughes, new Board member, town meeting member, active in conservation issues in
Burlington, lives in the Holly Glen housing, another critical area that abuts the park.