Vernal Pool Walk – May 6, 2017

Matt Burne, co-author of A Field Guide to the Animals of Vernal Pools, led us on a lovely, rewarding walk, in spite of rain showers. The group was made up of hardy souls who voted to continue the walk to the 3rd pool, in spite of yet more showers on the way. Matt showed us eggs of salamanders and frogs, fairy shrimp, and diving beetle larva. And, as we watched, our sample beetle larva proceeded to attack and eat the fairy shrimp. We all thought the fairy shrimp much cuter, but that nature takes her way. (All of the walkers, we think, survived the walk, with only some muddy feet and wet clothing.)

Matt is a founder of the Vernal Pool Association, and is an excellent guide.

Each photo below has a caption that explains what’s going on. When you click a thumbnail, the photo shows quite large, with the caption at top left.

VMWare Stone Wall Rescue – 4-27-17

A dedicated crew from VMware cleared a long section of badly overgrown stone wall on Thursday, April 27, 2017. We had to work our way past huge puddles from recent rain, avoid endless thorns, and then chop, cut, hack and clip away years of invasive vines and shrubs from a lovely stone wall. This was hard work, great fun, and very satisfying to look upon when we were done.

Some still images from the adventure:

New Palette Bridge

The very long, muddy puddle that sits right beyond the Burlington Soccer Field kiosk has been a problem every spring. So it has been temporarily helped by placing a series of wooden shipping palettes as a bridge. And the first “testers” were a group including 93-year old walker. They made it safely over the long, deep puddle. There are more large puddles elsewhere that we will turn to next.

State Senator Ken Donnelly Passes, a Great Friend to Mary Cummings Park

We were greatly saddened to hear of the passing of State Senator Ken Donnelly. We met with him just last summer to advance the process of having the Trustees of Reservations become park managers for the City of Boston. Ken was the main force behind this long-time effort. He looked out for Mary Cummings Park at many times over the years, using his influence to help preserve and enhance the park.

Mary Cummings Park was but one small aspect of the widespread efforts Ken brought to his constituents. Along with friends, family, and colleagues, we mourn the passing of a truly dedicated, effective, public servant.

In lieu of flowers donations can be made to:

  • Arlington Youth Counseling Services, 670 R Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, Ma 02146
  • Appalachian Mountain Club Youth Opportunities Program, 5 Joy Street, Boston, Ma, 02108
  • Greater Boston Legal Services, 197 Friend Street, Boston, Ma, 02114

Nature Walk with The Trustees, March 4, 2017

A sizable group of hearty people (it was 18 degrees and windy!) joined the March Nature walk with The Trustees, exploring the various landscapes of Mary Cummings Park. We learned about the farmlands, most overgrown with invasive weed, the forests, and the wetlands. This was the first co-sponsored walk between the Friends of Mary Cummngs Park and The Trustees (of Reservations).

Ed Wilson welcomed the group and brought us up to date on the progress of Boston’s negotiations with The Trustees, which are moving along well.

Then Russell Hopping led the group on an informative walk from meadows to woods to wetlands.

Dave Cummings Looks Back

Dave Cummings is a relative of Mary Cummings, who gave us this park. We sat down to talk to Dave about his memories of growing up next to the park, and many other aspects of his life. Enjoy this video interview with Dave.

If you have memories of Mary Cummings Park that you would like to share, let us know via our contact page.

Stantec Volunteer Groups Clear Trails

Three shifts of energetic Stantec volunteers came to Mary Cummings Park on Wednesday, September 20, 2016, and cleared out overgrown trails. From 10am until after 4pm, staff from The Trustees of Reservations guided Stantec teams around the park for trail maintenance. A major trail was fully restored by end of day. We thank Stantec and The Trustees for the great work.

VMware Volunteers at Mary Cummings Park

A team of 7 volunteers from the Burlington, MA, offices of VMware contributed a day of excellent trail clearing and sign-post repair. The 7 hardy people who came to the park cleared over 2 miles of trails where shrubs and thorny bushes had started to block passage. In addition, the team dug out two tippy sign posts, gathered some good sized rocks, and cemented the posts back in.

It was a great day’s work, and it was satisfying to look back on the big improvements made to the trails.

Plus, aided by super weather, cool and sunny, everyone had a great time.

If you or your group would to help out with trailwork or other volunteer activity at Mary Cummings Park, contact us at our contact page.

Click any photo below to see it larger, and read what’s taking place.

Talbots Fund Raiser for Mary Cummings Park!

Talbots Fund raiser for Fiends of Mary Cummings Park

There was a fund raising event at Talbots in Burlington on September 21st.

10% of pre-tax sales was donated to The Friends of Mary Cummings Park. This much-needed money will help us continue to supply free trail maps and upgrade the trail signs.

Cynthia John, Joan Kennedy-Constant and Ed Loturco were on hand to greet shoppers and tell the story of Mary Cummings Park.

We THANK Talbots for organizing this event.

Boston RFP for Mary Cummings Park

On February 8th, 2016, The City of Boston issued an RFP for a qualified entity to become the manager of Mary Cummings Park. The park would also be given a permanent conservation restriction, which would remove nearly all future development threats to the park. As far as The Friends of Mary Cummings is concerned, having the Trustees become park manager would be a nearly ideal situation, as they are dedicated to preservation of open space.