We were extremely pleased to be recognized by The Trustees as Volunteers of the Year at their recent (online) Annual Meeting.
Shown above are three of the founders of The Friends of Mary Cummings Park, the three people most responsible for saving this park: Steve Keleti, Cathy Moore, and Pat O’Reilly. Shown below the video are the current Board of Directors along with the founders.
The Trustees, who now manage Mary Cummings Park through a long-term agreement with The City of Boston, created a video for their annual meeting and the segment about our organization starts here at 20 minutes and 20 seconds in. (Supposed to start there automatically, but doesn’t always do that.)

Here, in a photo by The Trustees, are the founders and current Board members of The Friends of Mary Cummings Park, from left to right: Pat O’Reilly, Jane Morse, Steve O’Leary (President), Ed Loturco, Dave Webb, Jon Sachs (standing), Steve Keleti, and Cath Moore. (Not shown is Board member Betsey Hughes.)
Because of the work of The Trustees, the future of Mary Cummings Park is looking good, and the sign that hangs at the park entrance on Blanchard Road is a dream come true for so many of us.